1. Read about membership categories, pricing and payment options. If you have questions, Messenger Ottawa Valley Hunt or email
  2. Fill out the application/renewal form. If this is a new application, wait for the board's approval. Don't worry, we're fast!
  3. Choose your payment method. If you have questions about payment, Messenger Ottawa Valley Hunt or email
Upon joining, new riding members will receive refunds of their Learn to Hunt clinic fees (a $150 value) as well any current season caps, if taken earlier that season.

Hunting and riding memberships

Those members with hunting memberships (senior hunting, intermediate hunting, junior hunting, and patron membership) can participate in all hunts throughout the year. 

Senior hunting - Age 36+
  • Age 36 and up
  • Voting membership
  • One-time initiation fee of $1,000.  Limited time: $250 initiation!
  • Plus $50 MFHA fee & HST
  • Required to host a greenbox dinner annually

Lump sum fee:
$1,650.00 (including HST and $50.00 MFHA fee) for renewing members who have already paid initiation fee.  
$1,900.00 (including HST and $50.00 MFHA fee) for new members, inclusive of initiation fee.
Monthly installments are available; inquire with Treasurer.

Intermediate hunting - Age 22-35
  • Ages 19 - 29
  • Non-voting membership
  • No initiation fee
  • Plus $50 MFHA fee & HST
  • No requirement to host a greenbox dinner

Lump sum fee: $825.00 (including HST and $50.00 MFHA fee)
Monthly installments are available; inquire with Treasurer.

Junior hunting - Under 21s - Apply to be sponsored at no cost!
  • Ages 18 and younger
  • Non-voting membership
  • No initiation fee
  • Plus $20 MFHA fee & HST
  • No requirement to host a greenbox dinner

Lump sum payment: $250.00
Through a Donor's generosity, full sponsorships are available by application only.

Social and other memberships

Social membership
  • Voting membership
  • One-time initiation fee of $1,000.00. Limited time offer: $250 initiation!
  • Required to host a greenbox dinner annually
  • Permitted to buy and use up to 3 caps per year
  • Fee includes HST

Lump sum fee:
$600.00 (including HST) for members who have paid their initiation fee. 
$850.00 for new members, inclusive of initiation fee.
Monthly installment payments are available; inquire with Treasurer. 

Proprietor Non-Active (PNA)/Absentee Membership
  • Non-active, non-voting member not entitled to participate in the club’s activities.
  • Remain a member of the club, by annually paying a nominal inactivity fee.
  • Retains the right to previously earned colours.
  • May become a voting member at any time, with full payment of an annual membership fee in the voting classes.
  • Fee includes HST

Lump sum fee: $110.00

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Participation in the OVH teams

The Hunt depends on volunteers to make our trail riding, hunts and social events a success!  Where does your interest and/or expertise lie?

  • Barkeeping
  • Social media 
  • Drag laying **KEY**
  • IT tech support
  • Juniors Program mentorship
  • Public/horse events
  • Social events
  • Territory management
  • Facility maintenance

New members

  1. Fill out the new member application or junior program application. Both of these contain your riding waiver.
  2. Once your application is approved, pay the membership fee. If your Junior Program application is approved, you don’t need to pay a membership fee. If applicable for your category, choose the option with the proprietor/initiation fee included. 
  3. You will be assigned an experienced hunt member who will “buddy” up with you. This may include riding with you during your first few rides or hunts, helping you understand what is happening and generally being there to answer any questions you may have.

Renewing your membership

For the 2024 season, we are offering a free capping voucher with hunting membership renewals that are initiated by January 31, 2024.  These vouchers can be offered to anyone who is not a current member, and has not capped with us previously.  Hunting members who renew before the deadline, either with payment in full, or by monthly installments, will receive a confirmation email with the capping voucher.  This voucher will be valid for the 2024 season.  Regular capping rules apply, so when you have a candidate capper, please contact a Master for approval.  The goal is to attract new members, to be part of the OVH recruitment that will keep our club strong and viable into the future. 

  1. Fill out the membership renewal form or junior program application. Both of these contain your riding waiver.
  2. Pay the membership fee.  If your Junior program application is approved, you don’t need to pay a membership fee.

Payment options

  1. Lump sum using PayPal or e-transfer to (autodeposited)
  2. Email to inquire about Monthly Subscription
  3. Make a cheque out to "Ottawa Valley Hunt" and mail it to:
    Ottawa Valley Hunt
    8935 Abb Road
    Ottawa ON K0A 1B0