Read about the interesting partnership between OVH and Log Farm Antiques.
Log Farm Antiques (located at 1563 9th Line Beckwith, Carleton Place) has opened a Horse and Hunt (H&H) section.
- Some photos are posted below, or check out their Facebook page
- For any H&H items purchased by an OVH member, 20% of the purchase price will be sent to the OVH.
- For any other single item at Log Farm purchased by an OVH member with a value of $200 or more, that member will get an automatic 20% discount (items already marked down are excepted).
- Due to the pandemic, everyone is asked to call ahead of time to make an appointment – please call Shirley or Bob at 613-257-3757, or email them at
- OVH members need to identify themselves to the Kelly’s to obtain their discount/send 20% of the purchase price to the OVH.
- Cash, cheque, or e-transfer are accepted for payment.
- The items in the H&H section will be open to the public as per any other Log Farm Antiques merchandise so, if you’re interested, call/email and head in soon to have a look around!